Welcome to Veretekk™
Veretekk Web Hosting

Professional Web Hosting
All The Normal Bells And Whistles, Plus Community Support!
As if the value of the Veretekk system wasn't already enough... considering all the tools for lead generation, integrated marketing, search engine optimization, branding your business, community sharing, etc... Veretekk Gold accounts also come with full blown website hosting for your own domains!
But VereHosting offers some big advantages over other web hosts.
Most of the other hosting companies out there place all kinds of limits on your account. Maybe they limit you to 1 or 2 domains, or restrict how many email addresses you can create, or databases... or else they get you in more subtle ways... like restricting access to deeper development functions like Apache configuration, cron scripts, PHP settings, etc. Or they limit you to a very small amount of bandwidth for monthly traffic. They do all of this in order to advertise a very low price. But in reality (after you spend days working to get your website up and running on their servers), you find yourself having to quickly upgrade and pay a lot more as you start generating much traffic at all.
There is no such "slight of hand" with Veretekk's hosting service.
We provide you will a full professional hosting account from day one. It includes all the normal bells and whistles offered by other web hosts, but also comes with some big advantages you will not find ANYWHERE else.
Host up to 25 of your own domains 50 GB disk space 100 GB monthly bandwidth transfer Create up to 600 of your own subdomains Create up to 50 mySQL databases Use of subdomains on 12 aged domains Create unlimited email addresses cPanel management system Fantastico plugins VerePress secure blogging system phpBB secured forum w/remote posting Live community technical assistance
But that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Aged Domains
Included with your Veretekk hosting account are 12 aged domains. These domains are as old as 10 years each. Some have good Google page ranks and others have excellent Alexa rankings. What do this mean for you? It means authority power sites that rank very well in the search engines with priceless backlinks. Build a phpBB forum, a VerePress or WordPress blog on them. Make as many as you want with as many subdomains you want. VereHosting will help you jump start your SEO campaigns!
ahealthybusiness.org ebasebusiness.com ewav.net iwav.net jobalternative.org marketdepots.com mlmfactory.com netnewstoday.net ontheworldwideweb.net thegoodbusiness.com unitygroup.net youvegotcash.net

Company Support
Veretekk offers direct customer support as well... and through multiple ways in order to make sure we're always there for our customers! We offer Skype support as well as a Support wall where you can post your questions or problems. Response times are usually very fast.

Veretekk Community Social Network Support
VereHosting is more than just another hosting company. We know that beyond simply finding a secure and reliable company to host with, the biggest issue when hosting is the lack of access to a live helping hand. That's where the Veretekk professional community comes into play. You are never alone, with the best live customer support found anywhere just a click away.
Think about it... How many hosting companies have you experienced? Did any of them have a huge social network of web developers, marketers, bloggers, etc? The answer is no, because Veretekk is the only company like this. So not only do you get 24/7 support you also have a huge brain trust of trusted members helping each other with their knowledge. It is incredible, really! You will find these groups on your Veretekk Dashboard. Join them and get in with the leading edge of Internet Marketing, here at The Social Network for Home-Based Business... people stick together and lend a helping hand!
Ever try to set up certain plugins with WordPress, but you couldn't get them to work where you were hosting?
How about setting up a script to run everyday at 2am? Or figuring out how to make the RSS feed from your blog show up on your other websites?
With other hosting solutions, you are on your own!
But with VereHosting it's different... We hear these kinds of questions all the time. Lots of other people have walked in your shoes... but at Veretekk the social network itself offers you a HUGE knowledge base to get these types of questions answered. It's frustrating to be on you own, and have to simply submit a "trouble ticket" to your webhost and wait for an answer. And half the time they can't even help you and then you're stuck!
This is the reason VereHosting was created.
We feel your pain! And the Veretekk community is filled with people that have already gone through just about anything you can come up with. As a member, you get access to all of that knowledge and experience so your own experience is uncomplicated... You can be comforted by the fact that you have literally hundreds of live people available to help you achieve your goals and dreams at Veretekk... especially with hosting your web sites and domains. You can literally enter a live web conference room and people will SHOW YOU step by step how to solve you problem... incredible! Veretekk offers live hands-on training to teach you how to build web sites, upload files, create subdomains, register domains, choose keywords, build HTML, set up blogs and forums, etc. Everything you always wanted to know but didn't know where to find it. Right here, live and interactive.

The ability to automatically install WordPress, phpBB Forums, Drupal, etc. has always been very appealing to the general audience of the Internet. That is what Fantastico is famous for. But we at Veretekk take it a bit further. Actually a lot further than anyone else has even imagined. For example, Veretekk gives you a customized (and customizable) backlinking search engine like system called "Hot Links SEO".

The VerePress System
VerePress is designed to integrate with the content you publish to your VereBlog feed. It is similar to WordPress, Drupal and other feed-based systems in that it is customizable. However, the way it is built and integrates with Veretekk makes it easier to manage and far more secure!
With VerePress you can instantly syndicate your VereBlog content on to hundreds of other websites, including domains that you fully control. Use it with the system provided Aged Domains and watch your SEO results skyrocket!

The phpBB Forum
The classic well known phpBB Forum is the best forum platform available on the Internet. But it had some draw backs, particularly the incessant spambot registrations. Veretekk solved that issue with a special question required to even register (that ended all spam bot issues). We've also incorporated auto RSS feed reading ability so you can make your forum or part of your forum a powerful source of content for SEO strategies. The Veretekk phpBB Forum is also social networked optimized and also has RSS feeds throughout the system. This forum was customized by marketers that have been on the Internet for over 15 years... designed to perfectly fit with and compliment your specific marketing campaigns!

Millions of people use WordPress... and so Veretekk is designed to easily integrate into your WordPress system. A number of (safe) templates are made available and included with your installation along with several powerful and recommended plugins.

Veretekk takes security very seriously when it comes to hosting services. We have developed many unique server MODs to prevent hacking and injection phishing sites. The server farm is fully secured including constant 24/7 monitoring to assure you that your websites are in good hands with Veretekk.

Green Energy
Maybe you care... maybe you don't, but you can feel good knowing that Veretekk's servers are housed in a completely green and secure facility. The entire Veretekk company is built upon the focus of a very small footprint on this earth. Our data center is 100% off the grid running entirely on wind energy and geothermal heating and cooling.
The bottom line is...
If you take the time to compare... (and you should, after all this is YOUR business we're talking about here!)
There is no other hosting solution out there that even comes close to Veretekk!
In fact, there's no other company that even claims to have any of this. All they just focus on their ability to provide you with a technical solution. Which, by the way, is the reason web hosting has become a commodity. And when you're trying to sell a commodity, the only real motivational factor is price. So... in recent years we've all seen web hosting get as cheap as $10/month or less.
Seriously... what do you really expect for that?
But even if you could reliably host your website at that price, it does you no good if they don't support the features you need... or you need some help getting it all to work. Even if they wanted to, other companies can't afford to invest that kind of time into helping you for so little money. And no other hosting company has a massive worldwide social network built right into the system!

Limited Time Opportunity For Silver Members!
Try Out Veretekk Gold For Free!
If you're serious about building a successful home-based business, upgrade to Veretekk Gold. It is an absolute MUST for anyone interested in growing their business, results, and success. Don't take our word for it... Just ask a Veretekk Gold member. We're so sure you'll agree that if you act right away, we'll give you the full system at no cost for 30 days. That includes everything: all the marketing tools, web hosting for your own domains, your own person web conference room, etc. Just login to your account and click the "Free Trial" button on any page. Remember, with the V2 community, support is always just a click away... You are never alone at Veretekk.

Next Week's topic:
"The Veretekk Market Manager"
Wishing you and your business the very best of success...
Ray R Barmore
Integrated marketing Specialist
Skype: barmore4
Veretekk Integrated Marketing
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