Welcome to Veretekk™
Veretekk Web Conferencing

Professional Web Conferencing
Expand The Reach And Impact Of Your Business!
Live web conference rooms have been an integral part of Veretekk for years... primarily because they provide an environment that allows members to come together in a more direct way then could ever be achieved through email, wall postings, etc. Nothing can compare to the live interaction these rooms provide! Streaming VoIP audio makes it sound like the person talking is sitting across the table from you...
Conference rooms are "town squares" within the Veretekk community, and the perfect place for members to learn how to get results out of the system, hear feedback from others on marketing techniques that are working best for them, learn basic skills like HTML or how to set up a YouTube account, or simply just socialize and relax!
Veretekk Gold members get their very own 5 seat conference room to use for any purpose they want. It's a perfect tool for interacting with your customers, or recruiting others into your business. You can also upgrade the size of your room and hold meetings with as many people as you want to invite!
These rooms are excellent for business presentations, product demonstrations, systems instructions, educational and student classroom environments, customer support, etc. The possibilities are endless. You can use this room to share other presentations that are not available to everyone with your group of invitees. You can plug a telephonic land bridge into your room and have a classic teleconference call with your guests logged into the room.
Your conference room is as versatile as you are... and you can use it for anything you want! As you start becoming familiar with its features, your mind will reel with possibilities...
Conduct sales presentations for your prospects. Conduct training and staff meetings in a virtual, real-time environment. Invite your family and friends to show them pictures of your vacation, or relatives who live far away, pictures of your kids. Listen to music with friends... The room allows your visitors to share their comments as well. Be a political hack. Share your political views through your own talk radio and invite guests to join you. Record the broadcasts and load them up to your blogs or load them to your YouTube account. Enhance your auctions. Use the room to help you sell your car, baseball cards, paintball guns, etc. on eBay. Invite your eBay visitors to see live what you have for sale and to ask you questions. Be a tutor, a big brother or sister to a struggling student. Spend an hour a day teaching a subject or mentoring. For teaching math, history, English etc., the room has all the tools needed, for example a white board and lazer pointer, just like a classroom. Host a Bible study. Put a fellowship together on a regular basis for prayer and study. Invite more as you grow helping to strengthen the Word of God.
You get the idea...
The possibilities are truly endless.
How do you get into a room?
It's easy... just click the "Enter Room" button wherever you see the Web Conference Room Login logo. You'll find it on your Dashboard when you log into Veretekk... but also on your Profile Page and any Group pages you control as well. You can configure whether or not you want to display the login button on those pages to other people.
Getting people into your conference room is simple as well... Just send them to your Profile Page, or your Group page and all they have to do is click the button! The system automatically tags visitors as they enter your room, so you'll know which ones are already Veretekk members... which ones are visitors... and which page the visitor came from! You can also distribute a URL link that will send people directly into your room when they click it.
But you can go even further if you have your own websites. Just add the provided HTML code and a login form for your room will show up there as well! There's even a cool little widget you can embed in your sites for people to click and enter... and it will display who's in the room in the widget itself! Pretty cool...

The list of features available through your web conference room is long and impressive. It is a vital tool that adds credibility and professionalism to your business and brand. There is no better way to make a positive impression on your target audience!
Expandable - By default your room allows 5 people to be in it at once, but you can upgrade and expand this to allow 1000 people or more!
Excellent Sound quality: Veretekk's conference rooms have better sound quality than any other web based conference system. See for yourself. Some people even stream music into the room. The sound is as good as it gets and provides a professional polish your presentations. Until you experience a quality conference with Veretekk, you are missing out!
Syncronized Browsing: Browse the web and the room will push each web page to your audience so they can follow and see what you're talking about.
Webcam Video: Stream live video through your web camera! You'll feel like you're literally sitting across the table from the person talking as you watch them... live!
Screen Casting: Allows you to "share" whatever you are doing on your own computer with other people. You can stream anything you want from your desktop right into your conference room. Demonstrate a software application, take people through a series of websites and show them where you are clicking, troubleshoot a problem and demonstrate 'how to' information. You can teach, demo and train large audiences.
White Board: Each room includes a "white board" feature where you can copy and paste anything you like. Mark it up with colored pens, use highlighters, add annotated notes, draw shapes circles and boxes, open saved graphics to display, save white board presentations for future reference, and open jpg, gif and png files to display on the white board, use unlimited undo functions to restore a previous display, and use a virtual laser pointer. There's even a screen capture feature that allows you to take a snap shot of a webpage and bring it back to your white board to draw on. No other white board system comes close to the sophistication offered through your conference room.
Power Point: Microsoft's Power Point is a great presentation software building slide-based graphics to enhance your message. You can load your Power Point files right into your web conference room... making excellent presentations a snap! Another tip for building great presentations is use the conference room for building additional snapshots and graphics for your final presentation. You can take snapshots of anything on your computer.
Movie Studio: Your conference room allows you to record your entire presentation. It saves it as a Flash video. You can upload this file to your website and anyone can view it from their browser. With a little editing, you can load it up to YouTube or any other online video system. This is a great tool for building training videos, showing product reviews, interviewing experts, and making a video blog. The options are endless!
Room Customization: Each room can be customized to your meet your specific needs. Most important you can specify what web site you want as the home page. That home page is the splash page a visitor sees when they enter your room. You can also allow visitors access to the white board or prevent visitors from using the whiteboard tools. You have the option to allow or prevent your visitors from talking or chatting in the room. And if someone is being rude or disruptive (or you just don't want certain people) in your room, you can remove them and/or ban them permanently. No other web conference technology comes close to the details that have been included in building the Veretekk's conference rooms.
Room Access Codes: A huge benefit of Veretekk's conference room technology is that you can embed the code to access your conference room right into your own websites, blogs, forums, and social network systems. You can also send a special URL to your guests via email or instant messenger, like Skype. Unlike all the other web conference room technologies out there, Veretekk allows you to look like the provider of the room, not us. Think about how professional that makes your business appear!

Limited Time Opportunity For Silver Members!
Try Out Veretekk Gold For Free!
If you're serious about building a successful home-based business, upgrade to Veretekk Gold. It is an absolute MUST for anyone interested in growing their business, results, and success. Don't take our word for it... Just ask a Veretekk Gold member. We're so sure you'll agree that if you act right away, we'll give you the full system at no cost for 30 days. That includes everything: all the marketing tools, web hosting for your own domains, your own person web conference room, etc. Just login to your account and click the "Free Trial" button on any page. Remember, with the V2 community, support is always just a click away... You are never alone at Veretekk.

Next Week's topic:
"Veretekk Web Hosting"
Wishing you and your business the very best of success...
Ray R Barmore Integrated marketing Specialist
Skype: barmore4
Veretekk Integrated Marketing
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